About us

Since 2011 we have always worked with the “wow factor” in mind. All our clients find in this team professionals who are totally focused and determined to guarantee the best solutions.

About us

Founded by Miguel Frade in 2011, migfrade_Solutions was responsible for the creation, execution and management of more than two hundred events, with a total of more than 15,000 people involved. In addition, he was also responsible for managing the implementation of more than three dozen business projects, nationally and internationally, with results in excess of 6 million euros.

Meet the Team

A strong and dynamic team, ready to respond to the most varied challenges. These are the visible faces of all the work developed by migfrade_Solutions.

Miguel Frade

Founder & CEO

Alexandre Amorim

Innovation & Management

Marcelo Silva

Technology & Media

Brenda Neves

Logistics & Eventos

clients and partners

These are some of the companies that trust us and the work we do.